Complete Guide to Making Silicone Molds for Casting Concrete Statues

  • 108
  • 14 min read

Creating silicone molds and casting concrete statues is a complex but highly artistic craft. This guide offers a step-by-step walkthrough, from preparing the original model to producing the final product, ensuring that you achieve the desired results at every stage. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artisan, this guide will help you enhance your skills.

Tools and Materials

1. Statue Prototype: The original statue model to be molded

2. Condensation Cure Silicone (with catalyst): Material for mold-making

3. Concrete: Material for the final statue

4. Thickening Agent: Additive to adjust the flow of silicone

5. Release Agent: Chemical to prevent mold sticking

6. Brush: For applying silicone

7. Mixing Stick: For mixing materials

8. Mixing Bucket: For material preparation

Step 1: Prepare the Original Model

Ensure that the surface of the statue prototype is clean and dry. Place it on a level workspace to ensure smooth subsequent operations.

  • statue modelstatue model
  • cleaning statuecleaning statue

Step 2: Apply Release Agent

Evenly spray a layer of release agent over the surface of the statue model. This will help in the easy separation of the mold during demolding, preventing damage to the mold.

apply release agentapply release agent

Step 3: Mix Silicone

Assess the amount of silicone required based on the size of the statue and the silicone manufacturer's instructions. Mix the condensation cure silicone and catalyst accurately, ensuring even mixing to avoid issues with mold quality due to uneven curing.

mix siliconemix silicone

Step 4: Apply Silicone

Use a brush to apply the silicone evenly over the surface of the statue. The first layer does not need to be thick, but it must cover all details to avoid imperfections.

  • brush siliconebrush silicone
  • silicone curingsilicone curing

Step 5: Apply Multiple Layers of Silicone

After the initial layer has partially cured, apply a second layer of silicone. If the silicone flows too quickly, add a thickening agent to adjust its viscosity. Typically, three layers are sufficient for mold-making.

  • apply siliconeapply silicone
  • curing siliconecuring silicone

Step 6: Define Parting Lines

Using a brush, outline the parting lines on the surface of the statue model, and use clay to build clear boundary contours. This will provide a clear guide for the subsequent hard shell mold-making and separation.

  • draw parting linedraw parting line
  • constructing the outlineconstructing the outline
  • setting the positioning holessetting the positioning holes
  • boundary parting lineboundary parting line

Step 7: Apply Release Agent

Spray a layer of release agent on the surface of the silicone mold to prevent the hard shell mold from adhering to the silicone mold.

  • spraying release agentspraying release agent
  • mold production completedmold production completed

Step 8: Create the Outer Mold

Coat the exterior surface of the silicone mold with fiberglass resin material to create a sturdy outer mold that supports the soft silicone and prevents deformation.

  • applying resinapplying resin
  • making resin outer moldmaking resin outer mold
  • fiberglass resin outer moldfiberglass resin outer mold

Step 9: Remove the Outer Mold

Once the outer mold is fully cured, carefully separate and remove the fiberglass resin hard shell along the pre-defined parting lines.

  • separate the outer moldseparate the outer mold
  • remove the outer moldremove the outer mold

Step 10: Split the Mold

Carefully cut the silicone mold along the parting lines and remove the original statue model, ensuring the mold remains intact.

  • cutting silicone moldcutting silicone mold
  • separating silicone moldseparating silicone mold
  • demoldingdemolding

Step 11: Reassemble the Mold

Place the silicone mold back into the fiberglass outer mold, ensuring a snug fit. Secure it firmly in preparation for pouring the concrete.

  • re-insert the outer moldre-insert the outer mold
  • adjust the moldadjust the mold
  • combination moldcombination mold

Step 12: Pour the Concrete

Pour the mixed concrete into the silicone mold. Vibrate the mold to reduce bubbles and voids, ensuring the concrete fully fills the mold.

  • pouring concretepouring concrete
  • filling concretefilling concrete

Step 13: Remove the Outer Mold

Once the concrete has fully cured, dismantle and remove the outer mold.

  • prepare to demouldprepare to demould
  • separate the resin outer moldseparate the resin outer mold

Step 14: Demold

Carefully separate the silicone mold from the cured concrete statue, taking care to preserve the details.

  • remove the resin outer moldremove the resin outer mold
  • separate and demouldseparate and demould

Step 15: Repair Flaws

Inspect the statue’s surface and repair any potential flaws to ensure the final product is perfect.

  • statue defectsstatue defects
  • repair defectsrepair defects

Step 16: Sand and Paint

Smooth and polish the finished statue, followed by painting or other surface treatments to complete the final artwork.

  • coloringcoloring
  • polishingpolishing
  • concrete statueconcrete statue


Silicone material captures the details and structure of the statue to the greatest extent, giving the final product high artistic value. This guide provides comprehensive steps for statue mold-making, helping you master the necessary techniques. Once you’ve learned these skills, you can replicate every detail in your concrete statue creations perfectly.

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